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Ukraine – at the Cannes Film Festival: a charity evening of Ukrainian culture was held as part of the cult world event.

Ukraine – at the Cannes Film Festival: a charity evening of Ukrainian culture was held as part of the cult world event. - Victoria Soprano Group

Ukraine – at the Cannes Film Festival: a charity evening of Ukrainian culture was held as part of the cult world event.
On May 8, 2023, Cannes will host a charity event called the UKRAINIAN FASHION FILM FESTIVAL.

The UFFF team aimed to introduce the European art community in more detail to the soul of Ukraine through its culture, fashion, cinema, art and cuisine, to show modern Ukraine, which is being created every day: returning its past, giving it life in the present, in order to preserve our identity in the future.

The program of the evening included a show of the Ukrainian-made Victoria Soprano Group brand collection.

Both ordinary girls and members of the royal family appreciated the skills of Ukrainian craftsmen.

Refinement in details is the main ideology of the brand.

It was the largest event, which received more than 500 guests, where there were representatives of the City Hall of Cannes, Deputy Mayor Thomas de Pariente, Hollywood producers, the French and Ukrainian film community, star representatives of show business and many others.